Regular Services
Our worship is in the Anglican tradition and we are eucharistically-centred, remembering that at the heart of our faith is a shared meal between Jesus and his disciples where Jesus gave himself for us. Everyone is welcome at our services .
Christ Church
St. Mary's
Holy Communion (BCP)
8am on 1st and 3rd Sundays
This is a quiet meditative service without hymns or singing. We use the Book of Common Prayer with its traditional language. There is a short reflection on the readings for the day and the service lasts approx 45 mins. The perfect service if Sunday is going to be a busy day.

Parish Eucharist
10.30am 2nd and 4th Sundays
This service has hymns and music. There is a robed choir who lead the singing and we sometimes use incense. Our service is quite traditional and lasts just over an hour. There are refreshments afterwards. We also have activities available for children.

Choral Evensong
6pm on 1st Sunday
This is a traditional evening service using the Book of Common Prayer. We have an outstanding choir who lead the hymns, sing the responses and sing an anthem. Come for a 'cathedral experience' in the middle of Frome.

Parish Eucharist
9am (2nd & 4th) or 10.30am (1st & 3rd) Sunday
This service has hymns and singing and is less traditional. There is a small choir who lead the singing and there is usually a sermon which draws together the scripture readings and the world around us. Prayers are led by members of the congregation and there is coffee afterwards. There are activities available for children to use during the service.

Wednesday Eucharist
10am each Wednesday
This is a quiet medative service without music. We often spend time in silence as we reflect on the readings for the day and what God is saying to us through them. There is coffee afterwards where we often talk about faith and the world and share questions about both.
A wonderful midweek top-up.

A Service for All Ages
10.30am on 5th Sundays
At the moment this service moves between churches. This is a communion service where we are more creative in the way we worship. The service lasts under an hour and has music and activities. It provides an opportunity to think, feel and worship differently. There are refreshments after the service.